Why Newbridge is making the worldÆs largest private equity investment in Taiwan

Government finally allows international private equity firms to gain a foothold in the countyÆs fragmented banking sector.
In what some observers are describing as an atypical investment, Newbridge Capital is splurging $844 million on a 22% stake in TaiwanÆs tenth-largest listed finance conglomerate by market capitalization, Taishin Financial Holdings.

Newbridge can easily afford the stake given it made $3.3 billion from the sale of its 51% stake in Korea First Bank KEB to Standard Chartered in January 2005. However, unlike KEB, it will not gain management control this time round.

According to one specialist, the US private equity group have will have just two out of nine board seats at the financial holding company level and one of five seats at the bank level. Moreover, it will not have its own...
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