
Why Citi embraces tougher green rules

We talk to Citigroup about why more stringent environmental and social responsibility rules are good for the bank.
Earlier this month, The Equator Principles Financial Institutions EPFIs revised the Equator Principles, which are a set of environmental and social guidelines for financial institutions to better assess, mitigate, document and monitor the credit risk and reputation risk associated with financing development projects. Currently, 40 financial institutions around the world have signed on to apply the Equator Principles. Citigroup is one of the banks that lead the way.

We talked to Citigroup's Pamela Flaherty, senior vice president of global community relations, and Shawn Miller, environmental and social risk management ESRM director in Citigroup's corporate and investment bank, about the new Principles and Citigroup's approach to environmental and social responsibility.

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