
Volatility to return, predicts Man

Funds-of-funds strategist at Man Investments discusses which strategies will do well in 2007.
Amaranth was undoubtedly the big hedge fund story of 2006. Whilst some like to characterize it as having disappeared without causing a ripple, people did lose money in that fund. Thomas Della Casa, investment strategist of RMF, the core investment manager of Man Investments, spoke to Asian Investor about the hedge fund markets in 2006, his outlook for 2007, and Amaranth, one of the few investments that didnÆt work out so well for Man this year.

ôWe have to apologise to investors for putting money into Amaranth. It could happen again, because hedge funds are paid to take risks. Our portfolio was diversified but you could still feel the effect,ö says Della Casa. ôWe...
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