Julius Baer CEO on wealth management outlook

Boris Collardi, CEO of Julius Baer, shares his views on wealth management in Asia and gives FinanceAsia a sneak preview of an upcoming wealth report the private bank will be publishing in collaboration with CLSA.
Boris Collardi, Julius Baer
Boris Collardi, Julius Baer

Boris Collardi, CEO of Julius Baer, was in Hong Kong last week meeting clients and drumming up attention to a new wealth report the private bank will be introducing to clients at the end of the month.

“Other companies do this but they don’t actually have access to the high-net-worth clients that we have,” said Collardi. Or those that do for example Merrill Lynch tend to report on forecasts of gross domestic product growth, he added.

It’s a smart branding move by Julius Baer, which clearly seeks to displace the Capgemini Merrill Lynch Wealth Management World Wealth Report that journalists routinely trot out and quote every time...

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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