
JPMorgan wins Hess cash mandate

US-based integrated energy firm extends its global cash management in Asia with JPMorgan.
JPMorgan treasury servicesÆ has scored a large mandate within its regional cash management business. The firm has recently been selected by international integrated energy firm Hess Corporation to provide a suite of solutions to its operations in Asia.

The bank will provide services to Hess in Southeast Asia, with the mandate covering Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

The Hess mandate will comprise of JPMorganÆs full suite of treasury services, which includes payments and receivables, liquidity, electronic banking and bank guarantee issuances. More importantly for JPMorgan, serving HessÆs cash management needs in Asia now means that the bank is its global primary cash management provider.

The deal between JPMorgan and Hess once...
¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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