
IskandarÆs big idea

The Iskandar development project intends to ôshowcase all that Malaysia can beö, but it needs commitment, not just fancy words.
A well-maintained, pleasantly landscaped, empty ring-road eventually spirals to a solitary office building. ItÆs about 30 kilometres outside Johor Bahru û at the tip of peninsular Malaysia and a short hop over a causeway to Singapore û and houses the districtÆs new administrative offices. It is bang in the middle of Bandar Nurajaya, which is billed as the ôpride of the Iskandar Regional Development Authority IRDA. But the atmosphere is less of the hyperactivity seen in Dubai or the urgency that built Shenzhen from a fishing village into a mega-metropolis within a few years. Instead, it feels dormant, sleepy. The building sits amid a vast area of green fields, empty of diggers, cranes or...
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