Investors rate Europe and technology

The audience of 500-plus portfolio managers at Credit Suisse’s annual Hong Kong event was bearish on property and the renminbi.
Eric Varvel, Credit Suisse: confidence boost
Eric Varvel, Credit Suisse: confidence boost

Investment predictions can be treacherous less so when you ask about 500 portfolio managers, most of whom represent desks with more than $5 billion to play with.

A good test of this theory came as global fund managers gathered at Credit Suisse’s annual Asian investment conference in Hong Kong.

The audience expressed enthusiasm for European equities, with 43% of the room voting the region as the most likely to outperform over the course of 2014.

Sector-wise a clear plurality favoured technology stocks.

Secondary picks include China A-shares, India and Indonesia. But there is clearly a divergence of views, because, when asked which market they were most underweight, some of the same...

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