Investor dialogue: David Donora

David Donora, manager of the Threadneedle Enhanced Commodities Fund, says investing in commodities is about participating in the growth of emerging markets without the risks of their specific equity markets or currencies.
David Donora

David Donora joined Threadneedle Investments in 2008 as a fund manager specialising in commodities, after more than 25 years in commodity and derivative-based roles at several financial institutions in London and New York.

He launched the Threadneedle Enhanced Commodities Fund, which he now manages, a year ago. The fund has raised over $340 million and has gained over 39% in US-dollar terms net of fees since inception. It is benchmarked against the DJUBS Total Return -- an index of commodities futures -- and has outperformed the index by 8%. The fund's investors are largely sophisticated institutions, many...

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