
HSBC completes debutante deal for China Fishery

China Fishery successfully completes international debt markets debut with an upsized deal at the tight end of guidance.
Sole lead manager HSBC priced an upsized $225 million Reg S144a global transaction for China Fishery Group CFG on Tuesday December 12. The deal carries a seven-year non-call five structure and priced at the tight end of revised guidance. The notes were issued via subsidiary CFG Investments.

HSBC kicked off roadshow last Monday December 4 in Singapore, moved on to Hong Kong the following Tuesday, then London on Wednesday before wrapping up a series of meetings in the US.

The B1B deal was initially launched as a $200 million deal with an initial price guidance in the 9.375% area. Guidance was then revised down to 9.25% to 9.375% as the deal...
¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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