UBS trading loss

How to tell your boss you lost $2 billion

Minutes after news broke about the $2 billion trading loss by UBS, recruiting agency Robert Half issued a press release on how to break bad news to your boss. Guess it was too late for the UBS guy.
A photo of UBS rogue trader Kweku Adoboli posted on his Facebook page

There are some shoes you just don’t want to walk in. The husband who gets caught, pants down, cheating on his wife. The politician accidentally exposing himself on social media. The investment banker who loses $2 billion in unauthorised trading.

Yesterday, UBS announced in a statement that it had “discovered a loss due to unauthorised trading by a trader in its investment bank later identified in the media as Kweku Adoboli, a director in the bank’s delta-one desk in London. The matter is still being investigated, but...

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