
How to handle the credit crunch challenge

Faced with a lack of issuance and new regulations, Asia's trust banks are having to work hard to find business.
A tight credit environment and the subprime mortgage crisis have left investors scrambling to find creditworthy investment opportunities. The days of producing products that are not transparent to the investor base are in the past, experts say. Hefty profits through securitisation are also over. Issuance volumes are vastly reduced compared to previous years because of the turbulence in the collateralised debt obligation CDO market and in the broader securitisation market.

Transaction volumes continue to fall as product originators at investment banks struggle to create safer vanilla-type securitisation products to suit the market mood. The banksÆ corporate trust divisions û responsible for administering the trust accounts and reporting on transactions û meanwhile are also looking for...
¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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