Hong Kong property: time to buy or bail?

Hong Kong's property prices surpassed their 1997 peak and hit a record high at the end of July. Is the market poised for another meltdown?
Hong Kong property: view from the top end of the market
Hong Kong property: view from the top end of the market

Like so many things in Hong Kong, be it the stock market or the dating scene, the city’s property market has a speculative feel to it, seemingly dominated by players who are out for a quick punt rather than with the intention to buy-and-hold. And, for those who live in Hong Kong, expensive rents and spiralling property prices are simply a part of life in the city, much like the smog.

But with job prospects within the financial industry looking gloomy the best gauge of this being the growing number of bankers that have decided to “retire” and growth in Asia slowing down, one would expect property prices to start...

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