Healthier businesses are wealthier businesses

Studies show a close correlation between health and productivity but employers are yet to get the message, thinks the founder of Hong Kong-based bespoke practice Qineticare.

People will tend to underperform when they are stressed, in poor health or eating badly, no matter how rich or powerful they are.

That's the central message of Hong Kong-based Feisal Alibhai, the cancer survivor behind bespoke healthcare practice Qineticare.

Most people have never experienced peak focus and energy,” he told FinanceAsia. And what's bad for the individual can also be bad for business.

“In many professions, health has a totally linear relationship to revenues,” Alibhai said in an interview at Qineticare's offices. “You need to be healthy to put in the hours  and perform to your best ability.”

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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