
Deutsche adds strategist to wealth management team

Deutsche Bank woos Chua Hak Bin from Citi and promotes Marshall Gittler to become chief investment strategist internationally.
Deutsche Bank said yesterday that it has appointed Chua Hak Bin as chief Asian strategist for its private wealth management business.

Based in Singapore, the bank said Chua will be responsible for providing clients access to macroeconomic and investment views to help them select the most appropriate wealth management strategies.

He takes over from Marshall Gittler, who will relocate to Geneva to become chief investment strategist, international, after covering Asia for the last two-and-a-half years.

Chua will report to Singapore-based Chew Soon Gek, managing director and chief investment officer Asia for the firm's private wealth management franchise. He will also contribute to the formulation of Deutsche's private wealth management global investment strategy as a member...
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