
Citi's Indonesia banking head optimistic about country's recovery

Tigor M Siahaan, Citi's Indonesia banking head, says a sustained recovery for Indonesia's real economy and its financial markets may be in the making.

On the back of a pick-up in Indonesian debt activity, Tigor M Siahaan, Citi's Indonesia banking head, tells FinanceAsia that all the signs point to a sustained recovery for the country's real economy and its financial markets

What is your outlook for Indonesia's economy

Expectations are pretty high following the re-election of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in July, with a big public spending agenda that will provide a further boost to domestic demand, which makes up the bulk of Indonesia's GDP. In some ways, the country is fortunate that its exports are still a relatively small part of the economy, certainly compared with some its regional neighbours which are...

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