CICC explores possible IPO

Chinese investment bank looks to replenish its capital, sharpen its competitive strategy and strengthen its incentive scheme through a listing.
CICC’s listing plan has received consensus in management, as well as shareholders who think it is a good incentive.
CICC’s listing plan has received consensus in management, as well as shareholders who think it is a good incentive.

China International Capital Corp CICC, the first Sino-foreign investment bank, looks set to tap the capital markets, following in the footsteps of peers Citic Securities and Haitong Securities.

The Beijing-based group set up an informal committee two months ago to explore a possible listing, according to two sources familiar with the situation.

Issues that the committee are seeking to address include the pros and cons of an IPO, the problems facing the company, and the strategies needed to tackle the problems.

“It an IPO is only a matter of time”, one of the sources told FinanceAsia. But sources said there...

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